Gateway to College Commencement 2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

2024 Gateway to College graduates

To our graduates: Congratulations on reaching this important milestone in your life! Over the past four years, you have persevered and worked diligently through difficult and unprecedented times, and are now prepared to move on to college, trade school, military service, or the workforce. COVID-19 presented many challenges, but your resilience, courage, and grit have led you to graduation and many possibilities await you in the future! We are proud of your accomplishments and excited to celebrate this remarkable achievement with you.

We hope your Gateway experience has helped you transition into not only the college environment but also that next chapter in your life, knowing that YOU can accomplish anything; if you did it before, you can do it again!

We’re very excited about what the future holds for each of you and proud to introduce you as the Class of 2024!

Once again, Congratulations!

Graduation Video- June 4, 2024

Special Recognition Awards

The Gateway staff would like to recognize an alumnus who recently earned an Associate degree.

Savanah Freidus

Savanah Freidus

The Gateway staff would like to recognize alumna Savanah Freidus, who earned her Associate degree in Biology at Springfield Technical Community College this year. Savanah is moving on to UMass in the fall to continue her studies and pursue her goal of becoming a doctor. Congratulations Savvy! We look forward to hearing more about your continued success!

Student Speaker

Jenivette Rivera Davila

Jenivette (Jeni) Rivera Davila, Gateway’s student speaker, exemplifies maturity, dedication, and hard work. An enthusiastic learner, Jeni has developed excellent academic habits that have led to outstanding grades in her college courses. Balancing two jobs while attending Gateway, she has earned an impressive GPA of 3.45, graduating as the salutatorian of her class. Her journey has been marked by resilience; despite facing personal challenges and setbacks in high school, Jeni persevered and earned 14 college credits. Her passion for learning and ability to overcome obstacles make her a role model for her peers.

Jeni is a natural-born leader. She is warm, and generous and possesses the ability to connect with people. She has demonstrated her commitment to the Gateway community by assisting with planning fundraisers for our student club and sharing study strategies with her classmates. Her work ethic, empathy, integrity, and creativity will undoubtedly serve her well in the future.

Jeni will continue her studies at STCC in the fall and thereafter will transfer to a four-year institution to obtain a bachelors degree in criminal justice. We eagerly anticipate following her journey into adulthood.


June 2024

Abrianna Colon

Abrianna Colon

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My parents, staff at both STCC and Central, and the people I met along the way.

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: I liked that Gateway was flexible and patient with me, but most of all it felt like another home.

After graduation I plan to: Attend STCC and hopefully work at Gateway to College.

I’m most looking forward to: The Future

Roxanangely Cruz

Roxanangely Cruz

 While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My mom, my uncle Raymond, my counselor Ms. B, and I always wanted to do it for my grandparents.

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: It was small so there was more one-on-one time whenever I needed help as well as being able to earn my diploma with college credits.

After graduation: I plan to go to college to earn an associate in nursing. My goal is to advance from a transporter to a nurse at my current job.

I’m most looking forward to: I’m most looking forward to seeing the success of my hard work in the long run.

Yadiel Fernandez

Yadiel Fernandez

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My counselors

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The support

After graduation I plan to: Go to college

I’m most looking forward to: Taking a break

Anthony Lancia

Anthony Lancia

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: Katara and Anita

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The education/support

After graduation I plan to: Go to college

I’m most looking forward to: Getting a degree


Kenzona Ledbetter

Kenzona Ledbetter

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: Katara, Anita, Ms. B, Ms. Diana

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The freedom, support and activities

After graduation I plan to: I’m not sure yet

I’m most looking forward to: Travelling, hopefully

Gadielys Miranda

Gadielys Miranda

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My family but mainly my Dad

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The friends and connections I made with people. I liked that I felt safer and was more free to be myself in the environment

After graduation I plan to: Go to college to pursue forensic studies

I’m most looking forward to: Going off to college

Andrea Perez

Andrea Perez

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: The Gateway Staff, Katara, Ms. B, Anita, May, Kai, my friends Gigi, Bri, my boyfriend Royale, and my Family

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: I loved how welcoming Gateway to College was and the support I received. When I wanted to give up, I would get lifted up by people who had faith in me. I was also able to be myself with no judgement! Gateway to College was definitely the school environment and family I never knew I needed.

After graduation: I plan on taking a break for one semester and returning to school in the spring. I plan to commute to cosmetology school in Wethersfield. Later down the line, I plan to attend STCC to study real estate or obtain a CNA certification.

I’m most looking forward to: Seeing where life takes me.

Jenivette Rivera Davila smiling

Jenivette Rivera Davila

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My biggest supporters have always been the three beautiful women who raised me, my mother, my grandmother, and my aunt. Aside from my family, everyone at Gateway especially Katara, Ms. B, and Mr. Ramah have been my biggest supporters from the day I stepped foot in Gateway.

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: Since my very first day at Gateway I knew it was more than just a program, we are a family. Gateway has helped me and so many others in more ways than just completing our high school requirements. For the first time in a very long time, I found a community and a place where I felt like I belonged. Gateway is and will always be incredibly special to me. I am so lucky to have been apart of the Gateway family.

After graduation: I’ll stay at STCC where I will earn my associate in Criminal Justice which will be a stepping stone for getting my bachelors and later on my masters in Criminal Justice Victim Studies.

I’m most looking forward to: Finally being able to say I graduated! I’m also very excited for my future endeavors and what life has in store for me!

Mayleen Rodriguez

Mayleen Rodriguez

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My mom, my aunt, and my advisors

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The experience I got and the people I met along the way

After graduation I plan to: Chill with my family

I’m most looking forward to: Going out into the real world and actually having the responsibility of being an adult.

Jenissa Santiago

Jenissa Santiago

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: Gateway’s staff

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The relaxing atmosphere and being able to decide on my own schedule.

After graduation I plan to: Take a break.

I’m most looking forward to: Finally graduating and being able to move towards new goals.


Quadir Thomas

Quadir Thomas

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My mother

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The community being so supportive

After graduation I plan to: Stay at STCC for a few years then transfer to Howard

I’m most looking forward to: School events and stuff


Bohdan Wolf

Bohdan Wolf

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My mom

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The second chance it gave me

After graduation I plan to: Go to college

I’m most looking forward to: Nothing in particular. I’m enjoying life as it comes.

August 2024

Anondah Brown headshot

Anondah Brown

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My friend Ty, my mom, and my family

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: Seeing my friends

After graduation: Go to college

I’m most looking forward to: I am most looking forward to life after school

Emanuel Carrasquillo headshot

Emanuel Carrasquillo

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: The staff at Gateway

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The opportunity to let me graduate without the stress of being in high school

After graduation: I plan to take a leap year to explore my options.

I’m most looking forward to: The freedom of being a young adult.

Kyerrah Eddington

Kyerrah Eddington

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: Katara and Anita

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The time in between classes.

After graduation: I want to take some time off and save money, then hopefully I can rent an apartment. I also want to go to a college near where I move. After college, I plan to start looking for therapy companies for my career.

I’m most looking forward to: Living on my own doing what I like to do.

Alexandra Garcia

Alexandra Garcia

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: Ms. B my counselor from school, and my mom.

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: Being able to be independent helped me stay focused and not having any distractions.

After graduation: I plan to continue my education for EMT schooling as well become a business owner.

I’m most looking forward to: My graduation and feeling accomplished.

Placeholder photo

Chloe Rawlins

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The classes and staff

After graduation: I would like to study cosmetology at the International Institute of Cosmetology

Kimberly Rodriguez

Kimberly Rodriguez

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: Katara and Ms. B plus my sisters.

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: It felt very inclusive. We would have club meetings every week and just hang out in the common area. It felt like a family doing classwork together rather than going to school.

After graduation: I plan to continue at STCC and find where life leads me.

I’m most looking forward to: Achieving peace in life. Right now, I have no clue where I’m going but at least I’m taking a step into figuring out what my calling is. I know STCC will definitely help in showing me the way.


Emani Rosado

Emani Rosado

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: I enjoyed the relationships built while attending on a college campus

After graduation: I would like to go to college

Ty’eira Williams headshot with balloons in the background

Ty’eira Williams

While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My family, especially my mom and grandmother who were my backbones through it all.

What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The freedom and the environment.

After graduation: Go to college and study criminal law.

I’m most looking forward to: College life and a new state.

Special Thanks

We would like to thank President John Cook, SPS Superintendent Daniel Warwick, Principal Rhonda Jacobs, and ATD/Gateway to College National Network for their vision and support of K-12 district innovation.

We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize ALL the faculty and staff at STCC who work diligently to support the Gateway program and encourage students.

STCC Faculty and Staff

Academic Affairs

  • Vice President of Academic Affairs, Christopher Thuot
  • Dean of Academic Initiatives, Matthew Gravel

Gateway Program Faculty

  • James Ramah
  • Elizabeth Swain
  • Ilizabetsy Velez
  • Milton White

Special Thanks to Faculty and Staff in the Following Departments:

Admissions, Advising, Athletics, Bookstore, Business Services, Career Development Center, Center for Access Services, Copy Center, Disability Services, English Department, Facilities, Fitness Center, Health and Wellness Center, Information Technology, Institutional Advancement and Foundation, Library, Mailroom, Maintenance, Communications and Marketing, Math Department, Parking Office, Registrar’s Office, SIMS Medical Center, STCC Police, STEM Department, Student Activities, Student Affairs, Student Financial Services, Student Government, Student Success Center, Testing and Assessment, Workforce Development

Finally, we would like to extend a very special thank you to our students’ parents, families, and friends, whose personal and academic support is so crucial to their success. We appreciate all of you, acknowledge, and thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Past Classes

Congratulations Forum

Family and friends of graduates are encouraged to post congratulatory messages below in public support of this milestone.

Congratulations Messages

CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU DID IT!!! May You All Receive The Energy And The Strength To Finish Your Future Creative Projects, Bring Your Ideas To Life, And Accomplish Your Goals Every Week. May Your Paths Be Cleared And All Your Blocks Be Removed. May Your Creativity Be Multiplied And Your Imaginations Be Filled With Inspiration To Make A Diffrence In This World! Congratulations To The Gateway Class Of June 2024. We Are So Proud Of You!! 


-Diana, Your Forever Lunch Lady

Dear Gateway Scholars,

Congratulations on your incredible achievement! Your journey has been remarkable, and we celebrate your hard work, perseverance, and determination.

Many of you faced significant challenges and obstacles, including the unique difficulties of starting high school online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these hurdles, you have made significant progress in your academic performance and thrived in your college courses. This is a testament to your resilience and dedication to your education.

You have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to your goals, proving that you can overcome any challenge with effort and perseverance. Your success reflects your ability to adapt, learn, and excel, in the face of adversity.

As you move forward, remember that this is just the beginning. Continue to strive for excellence, embrace new opportunities, and never stop believing in your potential. We are incredibly proud of every one of you, and we can't wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish in the future.

Congratulations once again on this outstanding achievement!

-Katara Robinson

Great day and Congratulations, graduating class. It has been my pleasure and great joy to have spent this time and learning experience with you. I wish you all the best in the future!

With Blessings,

-Milton L.  White Jr.

I'm proud of you all!  Keep working hard, making connections and asking questions.  I'm excited for where this life will take you!

-Liz Swain

We are so incredibly proud of you, Tony ! Keep up the good work and do you know that your family loves you more than anything. The sky is a limit!!!


-Aunt Jess and Family

Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Your dedication, hard work and resilience have led you to this moment, I couldn't be more proud of your accomplishments.

-Ilizabetsy Velez

I'm so proud of you all not only from graduating high school but seeing the transformation you all made from day 1 to graduation. Good luck on your next chapter of adulthood. 

-Dallana Bournigal (Ms. B)

Remember all those times I said to go crush it?  YOU DID ITTTTTT! I am super proud of you all and happy for you!  And I can't wait to see what you do next. Love you! 

-Anita Gallers

I AM SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!!! It was an honor to be apart of your journey and see your growth through our time together. I know you all will go on to do great things 🥹❤️

-Savvy Freidus

This is Kiara Rosado, a former gateway graduate and I would like to say congratulations on graduating!! You guys are awesome for not giving up and getting y'all's diploma. My advice to all of you when attending college is never give up even when it feels hopeless, always see the path to where you want to be in life and remain determined to achieve great things. I know you will. (:

-Kiara Rosado

Congratulations to the graduates!  It's awesome to see so many familiar faces completing your studies in the Gateway program.  I really enjoyed working with you, and I know you're going to go on to do great things!

-Jamie Riddle

Congratulations to the Class of 2024. This is only the beginning of some of the best times of your lives.

-Quiana Campbell