Change of Major

If you are registered for classes in the current or a future semester, or have attended within the past two and a half years, please submit a Change of Major form to change your major. Note, you must be logged in to your STCCNet Portal account to access and complete the form. Please contact the Registrar’s Office if you have questions about the change of major form at 413-755-4321 or

If you are not registered for classes and haven’t attended STCC within the past two and a half years, you must complete an online application to change your major. You should also fill out a new application if you are currently an Undeclared or Workforce Development student. Please contact Admissions if you have questions about the application or your application status at 413-755-3333 or

Please note that changing your major may affect your anticipated graduation date, financial aid status, and/or any Veteran’s benefits you may receive. Before filling out the form, it is recommended that you discuss with your advisor how this change may impact your credits and degree completion.

Students who are interested in applying to a competitive or selective program must fill out the application to apply to these programs. Please reach out to Admissions if you have questions about applying to these programs.

For help or questions, please email the Registrar’s Office at The Registrar’s Office is located on the 1st Floor of Building 19 and can be reached by phone at 413-755-4321.