Readers rave about STCC! ‘Best local college’
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – And the winner is (drum roll, please) … Springfield Technical Community College!
STCC has been named best local college in the 2020 Reader Raves, presented by The Republican and MassLive. The college also made the 2019 Best 2-Year Colleges for Adult Learners list, published by Washington Monthly.
In the Reader Raves category, STCC beat out the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, last year’s winner. Check out The

Thank you for believing in STCC!
Republican on Sept. 22, which will include the announcement about STCC’s victory, as well as winners in other categories.
Mark French, advertising director for The Republican, said votes totaled 73,252 across all 100 categories..
“Best local college” is not the only accolade bestowed on STCC. Recently, the magazine Washington Monthly ranked STCC as one of the nation’s Top 100 best two-year colleges for adult learners. STCC was No. 69 based on a number of factors that specifically affect adult students, including ease of transfer, flexibility of schedule and services for adults, among other criteria. The average student age at STCC is 26, and 40 percent of STCC students are over age 25.
This is wonderful news to hear as we start a new academic year. I’m grateful that STCC has talented faculty and staff who stay focused on our mission – supporting students as they transform their lives. Our faculty and staff truly care about making a meaningful difference in the lives of our students. These accolades are a reflection of their dedication and commitment.John B. Cook, President, STCC
According to a Washington Monthly press release announcing its 15th annual “College Guide and Rankings,” “Unlike U.S. News & World Report, which rewards institutions for prestige, wealth and exclusivity, the Monthly rankings call attention to colleges that serve the best interests of the country as a whole—including by enrolling and graduating students of modest means.”
Washington Monthly stated that nearly one-third of all undergraduates are 25 or older, yet no other publication ranks colleges based on how well they serve adult students.
President John B. Cook said the college is proud to receive local and national recognition and thanked voters for their belief in STCC. He said the college will continue to provide flexibility and affordable options to best serve its diverse student population.
“This is wonderful news to hear as we start a new academic year,” Cook said. “I’m grateful that STCC has talented faculty and staff who stay focused on our mission – supporting students as they transform their lives. Our faculty and staff truly care about making a meaningful difference in the lives of our students. These accolades are a reflection of their dedication and commitment.”
Essential to the Western Mass economy
The only technical community college in the state, STCC helps to fuel the Western Massachusetts workforce in fields that include engineering, manufacturing, healthcare, public service and technology. The college offers nearly 100 degree and certificate programs.
Area business leaders say they are eager to interview STCC graduates for positions.
“Partnering with STCC is critical to building our future workforce,” said Kristin Carlson, president of Peerless Precision, Inc., in Westfield. “They train at STCC with state-of-the-art equipment. STCC graduates are ready to go to work on day one.”
Pia Kumar, co-owner and chief strategy officer at Universal Plastics in Holyoke, said, “STCC prepares students well for custom manufacturing jobs. The students want to make their lives better, and we partner with STCC to make that happen.”
Interested in applying to STCC? Visit or call Admissions at (413) 755-3333.
About Springfield Technical Community College
Founded in 1967 and located on 35 acres of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, STCC is a major resource for the economic vitality of Western Massachusetts. As the only technical community college in Massachusetts, STCC, a designated Hispanic Serving Institution, offers a variety of career programs unequalled in the state. STCC’s highly regarded transfer programs in business, engineering, liberal arts, science and technology continue to provide the most economical options for students pursuing a four-year degree. With an annual enrollment of about 7,000 day, evening, weekend and online students, STCC is a vibrant campus rich in diversity.
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